• Need SR22 Insurance? 3 Ways To Keep It Affordable

    The first thing that you need to know about SR-22 insurance is that it isn't really insurance at all. An SR-22 is a certificate filed by your insurance company proving that you have coverage, and the usual charge for such a certificate is around $25. So why have you heard so much talk about the high cost of SR-22 insurance? Because if you need an SR-22, it's usually because you had too many traffic violations or because you had an especially serious violation, like a DUI.
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  • Why High-Performance Cars Cost More To Insure

    If you own a car and drive it, you will need to have car insurance on it. This is not only a state requirement, but it is also a requirement of lenders that issue loans on vehicles. When you purchase auto insurance coverage, your quote will be based on a lot of different things, but did you realize that you will pay more for the coverage if you own a high-performance car?
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  • 3 Reasons You Might Be Required To Purchase SR-22 Insurance

    Receiving a letter in the mail from the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) stating that you need SR-22 coverage might be confusing for you. After all, what is SR-22 coverage and why do you need it? There are numerous reasons the DMV might require this of you, but here are the top three reasons this coverage is needed. You might need it for one of these reasons or for multiple reasons.
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  • 5 Car Insurance Myths You Need To Know The Truth About

    From the actual purchase and gasoline costs to cleaning and maintenance, owning and operating a car can be challenging. While it is legally required, auto insurance is another factor that most people do not pay much attention to. Considering that it is a large expense that will protect you, your family, and your vehicle in case of an accident, complete understanding of your car insurance is imperative. With this guide, you will understand the truth behind some common myths associated with your insurance.
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