Business Insurance: What Do You Want To Protect?
Business insurance is vital to any small business that has something to protect. For example, if you are a limited liability company, you may have put your personal home up to secure a business loan. You could lose your home if your business is sued and you default on the business loans because of these hardships. That said, before you buy insurance, take stock of the following questions. Are You Protecting Just the Business, or Something More?
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5 Ways To Keep Your Auto Insurance Costs Low
The cost of your auto insurance can depend on many different factors, such as your credit history, the type of car you drive and your driving record. If you find yourself paying too much for auto insurance, you probably feel pretty frustrated. However, you can make some changes and reduce your costs. Here are five effective ways to keep your auto insurance costs low: Check Your Credit Score If you have a low credit score, it could cause your auto insurance rates to go up.
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Business Insurance For Caterers: What Do You Need
Catering is a growing business, which allows those who love to cook and bake the opportunity to share their delicious and masterful creations with other individuals and make a living doing so. This can be a fun and lucrative business, but it can also be demanding. Despite the fact that it is a fun and upbeat job (under most circumstances), running a catering business comes with its own share of risks. For example, there is the risk of exposure to a variety of hot substances and equipment, the potential for being involved in vehicle accidents, and the possibility of slips, falls, and cuts, not to mention plenty of others risks.
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"Simple" Mistakes That May Lead To Auto Insurance Claim Denial
When you file a car insurance claim, you hope for a quick process that can return you to your pre-loss status as soon as possible. However, this doesn't always happen and sometimes claims get rejected. For example, these three mistakes may look simple, but they can all lead to claim denial: Modifying Your Car Without Informing Your Insurance Company Modifying a car changes both its value and its risks of getting involved in an accident.
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How And Why Cars Are Categorized Into Classes Of Use For Purposes Of Insurance
How you use your car is one of the things auto insurance companies consider when determining your coverage rates. This is why your auto insurance company will ask you the "class" use when you're seeking coverage quotes. There are various classes of car use, but these are the most common: Social Use Telling your insurer that your car is for social use only is like telling them that the car is for domestic or pleasure use.
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5 Tips For Buying Home Insurance
If you are buying a home, you'll need to have home insurance. Consider it a financial investment, because you are protecting one of the most expensive purchases you'll ever make. Follow these tips to ensure you have the proper coverage. Don't Insure The Land When looking into different home insurance policies, you should pay close attention to what is being insured. Some insurance providers have policies that insure both the dwelling and the land that the dwelling is on.
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Need SR22 Insurance? 3 Ways To Keep It Affordable
The first thing that you need to know about SR-22 insurance is that it isn't really insurance at all. An SR-22 is a certificate filed by your insurance company proving that you have coverage, and the usual charge for such a certificate is around $25. So why have you heard so much talk about the high cost of SR-22 insurance? Because if you need an SR-22, it's usually because you had too many traffic violations or because you had an especially serious violation, like a DUI.
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3 Reasons You Might Be Required To Purchase SR-22 Insurance
Receiving a letter in the mail from the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) stating that you need SR-22 coverage might be confusing for you. After all, what is SR-22 coverage and why do you need it? There are numerous reasons the DMV might require this of you, but here are the top three reasons this coverage is needed. You might need it for one of these reasons or for multiple reasons.
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5 Car Insurance Myths You Need To Know The Truth About
From the actual purchase and gasoline costs to cleaning and maintenance, owning and operating a car can be challenging. While it is legally required, auto insurance is another factor that most people do not pay much attention to. Considering that it is a large expense that will protect you, your family, and your vehicle in case of an accident, complete understanding of your car insurance is imperative. With this guide, you will understand the truth behind some common myths associated with your insurance.
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Two Ways Landscapers Could Be Held Liable For Damage Caused By Trees
Trees offer many benefits to your clients' homes and businesses, including providing shade and privacy. However, they can also be a source of legal liability for landscapers if care is not taken when working with them. Here are two ways you can be held liable for damage caused by trees and what to do to avoid it. Failure to Diagnose Sick or Damaged Trees Trees that are sick, damaged, or dead can become environmental hazards.
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